Welcome Keepers!!!

Maxwell News...

  • You may now go to  slcd.com, musicboulevard.com, or cdnow.com to locate and purchase maxwell singles on cd. 

  • There is a website which have 4 articles (1 large, and 3 small) on Maxwell.  You can find the largest article in this newsletter. It is worth the effort to get on the website to read.  Here are the instructions to get there:

1. Go to http://www.telegraph.co.uk
2. Click on "search". There's one at the top of the page and one at the bottom.
3. Type "Maxwell" in the white space and select, "Rock" from the "Section" menu list. It's the leftmost menu list, "Rock" is towards the bottom.
4. Click on "Find".
5. There should be at least 4 sites that come up, the first one is the interview. It also has a picture that I haven't seen before.
6. You need to register with the Electronic Telegraph.  It's free, so just put in some username and password.
7. You will start again at http://www.telegraph.co.uk .  Don't worry. Repeat steps 2-5, you should be   access the page now.

Ascension of Soul News

Email Us At: AOSoul@aol.com

The Whispers:  The first of Maxwell's whispers are now available! Lyrics to Maxwell'ssensual track "The SuiteTheme" were added to the site during the month.
Keepers Get Ready:  Asension Of Soul in conjunction with Michelle (Keeper of His Keepers) will be collecting "Profiles" that will be linked to your keeper name from Michelle's Keepersuite as well as from the Ascension Of Soul homepage. Information we'll be collecting will ininclude: a short description of your keeper name, hometown, first name (optional), One single thing you would want Maxwell to know if he visited AOS and clicked on your profile, and other personal things that you would like others to know about you. This should be an excellent way to introduce ourselves to each other.

Peace and Blessings…
DHolmes (Keeper of His Muszical Inspirations)

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